Sunday, October 9, 2011

Batting Practice

Batting and pitching practice with Texas Blast

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:County Road 304,Gainesville,United States

Saturday, July 19, 2008

50 years and counting

August 9th 1958, 50 years, 3 kids, 11 grand-kids and 1 great-grand kid later its time to celebrate a 1/2 century of marriage for mom & dad.

Bobby & Sylvia McDaniel:

From Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Aniversary

Not sure if we have addresses for all the family & friends, but if for some reason you do not get an invite let this serve as such. The celebration will be held at the Callisburg Community Center on August 9th 2008 from 2 - 4. Please under request of the bride and groom no presents, ( but we are going to have a money tree available, unbeknownst to the couple, if you wish).

Friday, July 18, 2008

The saga continues.......

"One time me and Billy (Billy and I) were". OK lets go back a little further. The story actually starts with a trip from Houston. It was one weekend after Billy had returned from the Air Force and was living in Houston. On a Friday afternoon about 12 years ago, Billy got a last minute idea to visit us in the lovely town of Sanger where we still reside today. He forged his way through the on-slot of weekend traffic, as we were getting ready for his arrival by cleaning the game room (Yes back then I had a game room and a pool table).
After the long awaited trip Billy arrived around the 9 o'clock hour. The night started off with Billy, Glenda and myself playing pool, catching up on times missed while he was in the military, and of coarse partaking in our favorite beverage. That last thing on the list was really the culmination of the McDanfree name, as we continued to partake and, as the night began to fade away and the next day slowly crept in, our imagination began to grow. I have always heard that in order to be successful you need to do something that you love, at that time in our life's it was drinking, so we were going to open our own bar. We worked out the details within a couple of hours along with the name. The name was derived from the combination of our 2 last names "McDanfree's Bar & Grill".
Other names that were in consideration were "McFreedan's", "FreeMac's", and many other combos that have long left my memory. The morning arrived and I believe that that was the day we went to play a round of golf, pushing us to a full 36 hours that we had been awake. The golf game suffered as we did physically and mentally.
The alcohol induced dreams faded away over time, but the name "McDanfree" has stayed with me for the duration of time. I mainly use it for Internet identity these days.
Well that my friends is the story of how the name "McDanfree" was inspired. I have many more where that came from and as I said before most of them start with "One time me and Billy". Fairwell for now and hope to be back soon to tell more from the "past, present & future dreams".

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The History of McDanfree

Define: McDanfree

The word was formed from the name McDaniel (McDan) and the name Freeman (free), names from the family tree. This is a definition on the structure of the name. The how and when the name was formed is a story from a long time ago starting off with the words that most of my stories start with " One time me and Billy were".

Sorry for the cliff hanger but it is late and I have to fly off to Florida tomorrow for work, when I return I will finish the saga of the "McDanfree" name.